Beyond Binaries
Final Map
Final Map
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The guidelines and sources are incorporated into the video, and the introduction is included in the description of the YouTube video:

To Binary or not to Binary, May 15th 2020, Christel Bart and Juliette Douet

This gender world is the result of research into the gender binary system and other alternative systems of gender identity. Here, the different social implications on our perceptions of gender were explored, including themes relating to the government, institutions and personal relations. Additionally, suggestions for improvement of the current gender-identity system were explored, including altering teaching methods and creating inclusive environments. For example, in ‘Decolonization as Care,’ Rizvi discusses how “if we change the gender markings of early education bathrooms, we have changed the embedded social meaning of everyday practice in the future” (2016, p. 89-90).

Different perspectives were considered through an open survey that was conducted in order to gather individual experiences and beliefs. This informed the creation of a personality quiz that attempts to sort individuals based on their views of gender identity, attributing them one of the seven animals seen in this game. The gender world concept was chosen to reflect the unavoidable categorization of individuals in society, and its inevitable influence on our opinions. Rizvi illustrates this idea by stating that “often we feel trapped in one system… but we are the ones who are keeping that system going” (2016, p. 90). This notion is represented in the world through identical animals that remain in their own groups, separated in different areas.
Final map
Presentation video
Play the video game
>>Click here to play the video game<<

Unfortunately, the video game has a lot of bugs when we posted it on the web. But it can give a first idea how it could work in the future.