Beyond Binaries
Final Map

1. There should be multiple options for different genders in legal documentation.

2. It should be very easy to legally change your gender.

3. There should be no separation of individuals in prisons based on their biological sex.

4. Custody should go to the mother most of the time because they have a more caring character.

5. Individuals executing the same work should receive the same salary.

6. Men should have leadership roles.
Section 1: Government

Section 2: Institutions

1. Razors should be mass-marketed towards all individuals.

2. Clothes should be different for female and male bodies.

3. Girls should be able to play with cars and barbies if they would like to.

1. In education facilities, all bathrooms have to be accessible to everyone.

2. Whether sports activities should be tailored towards biological sex is up to each individual school to decide.

Section 3: Education

1. Religion suggests certain gender norms to follow.

2. It is okay to have someone who is homosexual preach religion.

3. A single mother is just as competent as a single father in raising a child.
Section 4: Personal Social Relations

1. Religion suggests certain gender norms to follow.

2. It is okay to have someone who is homosexual preach religion.

3. A single mother is just as competent as a single father in raising a child.
Section 5: Everyday Social Interactions
Quiz Questions

To binary or not to binary?
The Gender Compass tool aims to aid individuals in reflecting on their views of gender identity in a lighthearted way. The quiz consists of statements surrounding five different topics, serving to understand where you stand between the five different points on the map. The results from the quiz include multiple animal characters that represent varying beliefs of gender identity. In order to represent individuals that have views consisting of a combination of the different animals, a result in the quiz of somewhere in-between is possible. Here, individuals would receive their ratio through a fused visualization of the combination of animals.

- The Lion/Lioness stands for being strong, direct and opinionated. Lions have a distinct stereotypical behaviour for gender based on biology. Therefore, this animal represents believing in a binary system (only two genders), and that the behaviour and expectations of each can be characterized.

- Opposing the lion we have the sloths, representing the view that anything goes, everyone can choose to believe in a gender binary system or a gender spectrum or something completely different. Sloths only move when necessary, they are considerate of others’ opinions and situations. As long as you’re happy; labels or no labels, whatever works for you.

- To represent the view of gender identity being a spectrum we have unicorns. The magical quality of this animal displays the subjectivity of gender, such that only you can define where you feel comfortable in defining your gender identity. Individuals that are unicorns believe that gender identity can be based on both biology and one’s surroundings or upbringing.

- Nudibranchs are opposite of unicorns, such that they do not differentiate between genders. Since nudibranchs all have the same gender identity, there is no stereotypical behaviour or norms within individuals, therefore, they can express themselves uniquely. These individuals believe that gender identity is not based on one’s biological sex but on each person's character, and assumes equality.

- Those who do not have a very strong opinion are characterized as pigeons. As animals that navigate well and are seen all over the world, these individuals could end up going in any direction of the Gender Compass map. They likely have not given the topic much thought, and could easily agree with others’ opinions, reflecting their uncertainty.
Map: The Gender Compass

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